Domains are assets which are valuable especially when you have the most sought after name in the market. Here are tips on how to get a gem for yourself during domain auctions:

  1. Go for known names

If you’re an expert in a particular subject, trade, etc., and the domain makes sense to you, then it’s probably a good name to buy.

  1. Check the name on domain WHIOS search tools

Look up the domain to see what other TLDs are registered. It’s not a good sign if you’re buying the name and none of the other TLDs are registered. It’s also a red flag if you’re buying an SLD domain and you see that the GTLD versions are all registered but in use by domain investors instead of end-users. This means less demand by end-users and lots of alternative options.

  1. Check archives for deleted names

In many cases, archives will show you what was up on the domain throughout the years. It might signal low demand for the domain if the website that was attached to it was continually for sale.

With this step, you are not looking to see if there was a business operating on the domain that you could sell the domain back to. You are simply looking to see if other people in the past thought this would be a valuable domain name, too.

If the name was only a landing page for a decade advertising it for sale with no buyers, then it’s probably not a good one to pick up to try and sell yourself.

  1. Check the current market.

Prices and popular segments change over time, so it is good to keep abreast of what is selling in the market and the current pricing you can expect.

  1. Check the name’s popularity in Google search results

Another way to check your idea is to check Google search results for your word or phrase or the number of other TLDs registered already in that SLD.

The reason for checking Google in this step is to see how popular the domain may be. If I have an idea for a domain that I think is valuable, it’s a good idea to research if other people will also find value in it.

  1. Stay away from trademarks

It’s always wise to steer clear of any potential trademark infringements. Businesses work hard to build their brand. Buying a domain name that infringes on their mark may be tempting to try to turn a quick buck, but can get you into serious legal trouble. On top of that, it also gives people who invest in domain names as a business a bad reputation. You can visit to check for trademarked names.


Finding a winner in the domain aftermarket doesn’t have to be a struggle. With a bit of research, you can successfully find the domain that is most sought after by businesses or by you.

-By Stephen Wafula, Accounts Executive