Criteria of Selecting Second Level Domain Names (SLD)

Location Names
Names of cities or countries, including natural bodies such as lakes, mountains etc., can have their own SLD extensions and locals can pride in selling the domains as a source of investment.

Business Names / Corporate names
Large know multinational entities can have names of SLD domains in each country they have an office in or in a region they have presence in. When combined with geographical names, SLD domains they can be a greater investment and will increase popularity of the brand in that particular region.

Seasonal Names / Timely Names / Event Names
Registering seasonal names or timely names can be a big source of domain income when combined with events occurring in that year, such as or any other important event happening that year in a particular country.

Normal / Common Names
Names that describe a product or service, including new and emerging products, can be a great investment. But it’s very important to avoid any copyright or trademark issues that could result in domain dispute and court cases.
Always check if you are infringing any rights before registering a particular SLD Domain name.