Cyber Security awareness refers to how much end-users know about the cyber security threats their networks face. As we grow more dependent on technology, we need to develop better online security defenses. Here are some steps to follow in order to protect yourself from cybercriminals:

Use appropriate passwords

It is advisable to use unique passwords for every site that you visit. Using the same password on multiple sites allow hackers to breach more than one of your accounts. It is important to choose strong password. Avoid simple passwords such as 123456 which make it easier for hackers to guess. Finally, ensure you protect your passwords. Never reveal your passwords to anyone.

Employ Two Factor Authentication (2FA)

Two factor Authentication (2FA) requires two methods to verify your identity. It requires an additional log in credential beyond just the username and the password to gain account access. Getting that second credential requires access to something that belongs to you.

Verify links

Always verify the validity of links before you click on them, even if the links are from people you know. Cybercriminals use links as bait, the links are usually accompanied by promotional offers which are tempting to the user. One careless click could expose your personal data or infect your computer with malware. Resist the urge to click links in order to protect yourself from hackers.

Make sure your connection is secure

Normally in public places, the WIFI is free and open to everyone. In this instance, you have no control over the security. To further improve your internet browsing safety, use a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connection. A VPN enables you to have a secure connection and the internet server that no one can monitor or access the data that you are exchanging.

Make online purchases from secure sites

Only supply information such as bank account details to sites that provide secure encrypted connections. Secure websites are configured to mask the data you share such as passwords and secure info. Shopping only in secure sites reduces the risk that your private information will be compromised while you shop.

Stay up to date

Keeping your computer software and mobile devices up to date is important to stay secure. Internet security software may not protect against every threat, but they will detect and remove most malware. Most devices have the capacity to automatically install small updates but sometimes need information and credentials from you to apply the update.